Annie’s Annuals


Annie’s is a blend of annual wildflowers to give you a colorful garden all summer long. While not specifically designed as a pollinator blend, it will provide a great nectar source for pollinators. The species selected are all hardy and easily germinated from seed. It is designed for elevations 4000 to 8000 feet.  This is a relatively drought tolerant blend of flowers, but there is a direct correlation between the amount of moisture these plants get and the number of blooms they produce.

Because this mixture is an annual blend, the flowers will bloom for one season and then the plant will die as opposed as going dormant.  However, if you let the flowers go to seed and drop you have the potential for an abundant “Annies Garden” in the subsequent year.  Just be sure to rake the soil in the garden in the late fall to incorporate the seed into the soil.

  • Bachelor Button (Deep Blue)
  • Scarlet Flax (Red)
  • California Poppy (Orange)
  • Plains Coreopsis (Yellow & Red)
  • California Bluebells (Dark Blue)
  • Arizona Lupine (Blue)
  • Red Corn Poppy (Red)
  • Birds Eyes (White & Purple)
  • Dwarf Godetia (Pink)


(Common Name)
Scientific Name: Color: Bloom Period:

Additional Information

  • Variety Release Sheet:
  • USDA Sheet:


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