Sadies Shade is a special mix designed for those areas that get more shade than sunlight and therefore are protected and perhaps a bit moister. This is the only seed mix that we provide that is not fully comprised of species typical of our area. They include a more delicate and varied selection with a greater number of annuals than perennials. This means that you will need to reseed each year or, at the very least, scratch fallen seed back into the soil so it has the potential to seed and sprout the following spring. Sadies Shade is appropriate for altitudes from 4,000′ – 8,000′.
- Chinese Forget-Me-Not Annual/ Biannual Blue
- Candytufts Annual White/Pink/Violet
- Baby Blue Eyes Annual Blue
- Purple Coneflower Perennial Purple
- Lanceleafed Coreopsis Perennial Yellow
- Baby’s Breath Annual White
- Rocket Larkspur Annual White/Pink/Blue/Violet
- Corn Poppy Annual White/Pink/Red
- Shasta Daisy Perennial White
- Sweet Williams Pinks Perennial Pink/Red/White
- Chinese House Annual White/Violet
- Spurred Snapdragon Annual Pink/Yellow/Violet
- Johnny Jump-Ups Annual/Perennial Purple/Yellow/Blue
- Clarkia Annual Pink/Lavendar
- Dwarf Columbine Perennial Red/Violet/Blue/Pink/White
- Forget-Me-Not Annual/Biannual Blue
- Tussock Bellflower Perennial Lavender-Blue
- Monkeyflower Annual Cream/Yellow/Red
- Type:
- Purpose: Aesthetics
- Latin Name:
- Zone: 5, 6, and 7
- Height: 12" - 30"
- Flower Seeds:
- Grass Seeds:
- Legumes:
- Turf Types:
- Sun/Shade Tolerance: 3 - Very Shady
- Cool/Warm: Cool
- Min. Precipitation: 20+"
- Seeds Per Pound:
- Native/Introduced: Mixed
- Annual/Perrenial: Mixed
- Bloom Period:
- Planting Rate: .25 lbs/1000 sq ft.
- Cold Hardiness: Not Hardy
Additional Information
Southwest Seed is happy to help. Please feel free to call or email us for more information about our products and services. Before you get in touch, you might take a look at our Planning Guide. It has information that you can gather prior to contacting us so that we can efficiently answer your questions.