Purple Coneflower


Native to the eastern half of the U.S., Purple Coneflower can be easily grown in most soils as long as adequate water is provided.  Its scientific name, Echinacea, comes from the Greek word for hedgehog “echino,” referring to the flower’s spiny brown central disk.

Native peoples used Purple Coneflower for a variety of medicinal purposes and undoubtedly passed on this knowledge to the first settlers.  Today a variety of teas, tablets, and extracts made from the flower are widely available and are thought to boost the immune system by increasing white bloodcell count.

Purple Coneflower is also a gardener’s favorite because it is easy to grow; has long-lasting, showy, purple flowers;  and attracts pollinators, including butterflies, hummingbirds, and native bees.  Goldfinches are fond of its seeds.  A late fall planting is beneficial because exposure to cold and moisture improves germination.  Although Purple Coneflower prefers full sun, it will also grow in partial shade.  During the growing season it requires 1 inch of water approximately every 7-10 days.


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